Our viral graphic, the “Rape Culture Pyramid,” version 5 is Gender Neutral thanks to community feedback!!
Like all of our content, this is image is Creative Commons Licensed CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike), which means attribution is required for not-for-profit use and consent is granted.
Please contact us to donate for a commercial use license: 11th.principle.consent -@- gmail.com
Non-profit / non-commercial attribution:
“Rape Culture Pyramid” by 11th Principle: Consent!, used with permission from Jaime Chandra, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
If used in text where hyperlinks can be used (website/social media), please include the following:
-Link for “Rape Culture Pyramid” by 11th Principle: Consent! – https://www.
-Link for CC BY-NC-SA: https://creativecommons.org/
This graphic is available in high resolution PNG & PDF. Please contact us for the Adobe Illustrator file if you wish to translate or alter for non-profit use. 11th.principle.consent -@- gmail.com

#Accessibility Image Description: A graphic titled “Rape Culture” that has a triangle with words and a background gradient of darker red at the top peak, orange in the center, and yellow at the bottom. On the side of the pyramid is an arrow and 3 works, explaining the the gradient. Normalization leads to Degradation which leads to Assault. The text under the pyramid explains the relationship: “Tolerance of the behaviors at the bottom supports or excuses those higher up. To change outcomes, we must change the culture. If you see something, say something! Start the conversation today.” The words inside the pyramid, starting with the top and most severe: Rape, Drugging, Molestation, Stealthing (Covert Condom Removal), Contraceptive Sabotage, Victim Blaming & Shaming, Coercion/Manipulation, Threats, Revenge Porn, Safe Word Violations, Groping, Non-Consensual Photo or Video, Flashing & Exposing, Unsolicited Nude Pics, Catcalling, Unwanted Non-Sexual Touch, Stalking, Sexist Attitudes, Rape Jokes, Locker Room Banter.
History of the #11thPrincipleConsent #RapeCulturePyramid
Sometime in mid-2016, Cervix created this graphic and posted on the 11th Principle Facebook page. Eventually it went so viral that we had to remove the post because the troll harassment level was far past what we could handle. Below are the previous 4 versions of the Rape Culture Pyramid.