We value the transformative experience of sensual and consensual touch, play, and interaction. We believe that consent plays a vital part in our connectivity and community. Our vision is that all parties participate in a physical encounter from a place of enthusiasm and autonomy. Consent must be explicitly granted from an individual who is clearly in a state of mind to be able to grant it. (Originally Drafted March, 2013 | Present Version March, 2014)
Enthusiastic Consent applies to more than just sexual encounters:
- Touch: Just because you hugged someone yesterday doesn’t mean you can surprise them with a hug today. “Surprise contact” isn’t always wanted, even if it’s affectionate.
- Kink: Consent for one thing isn’t consent for another. If I said you can spank me, that doesn’t give you permission to grope me.
- Sex: Consent can be revoked once it’s been given.
- Gifts: Disclose what is in your gifts, even if it’s just essential oils. Some people have sensitivities
- Foods: Disclose the ingredients, one person’s innocuous ingredient can be someone else’s allergy.
- Photography: Ask before taking pictures. Remember consent to take a picture is NOT consent to post it on your blog.